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Flexible strength gains 48 percent less than permanent employee

Employees with a flexible employment contract earn an average of 48 percent less than employees with a fixed employment, reports the Central Statistical Office (CBS). Corrected for background characteristics such as age and training, the wage difference is 7 percent.

Especially call forces and temporary employees without fixed hours deserve less than their colleagues in permanent employment, namely 58%. But corrected for a range of background characteristics, the difference is only 3 percent.

This is because, for example, call forces are often younger than average and have jobs other than fixed-job workers.

For temporary workers, the differences are a little less significant. Uncorrected, they earn 37 percent less, but if background characteristics are taken into account, a 13% difference remains.

The CBS notes that at temporary workers the level of education and age is less for the hourly wage.

By: NU.nl/Wilbert Pillar