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Mini course for software internationalisation

mini course for market entrance strategy development

Exporting software to another country requires a comprehensive understanding of international trade regulations, taxes, and intellectual property laws. Here’s a brief course on exporting software:

Understanding International Trade Regulations

  • Familiarize yourself with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules
  • Research the laws and regulations of the target country for software imports
  • Check for any trade barriers, such as tariffs or quotas

Tax Considerations

  • Learn about the value-added tax (VAT) in the target country 
  • Investigate if there are any tax incentives or benefits for software exports 
  • Consult a tax specialist to ensure compliance with local tax laws

Intellectual Property Protection

  • Secure trademark, copyright, and patent protection for your software
  • Check if there are any specific IP laws in the target country
  • Consider signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with any distributors or clients in the target country

Marketing and Sales

  • Research the software market in the target country 
  • Develop a localization strategy for your software to cater to the target country’s language and cultural needs
  • Build partnerships with local distributors and resellers to increase your reach in the target country


  • Choose an appropriate shipping method and carrier
  • Obtain any necessary permits or certifications for the export of software
  • Ensure the software is packaged appropriately for international shipping

By following these steps, you will have a basic start position for exporting software to another country. It’s important to note that the laws and regulations surrounding software exports are constantly changing, so it’s advisable to stay updated and seek professional guidance as needed.


When you want to follow a more extensive course on the internationalisation of software, then have a look at our online course. It offers over 16 lessons and 24 topics on the matter. Including country specific data. More information can be found here:

The Course for selling your software in another country