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Quarter of the companies have too little labor force

A quarter of the companies are in trouble due to a shortage of manpower. This is evident from the Netherlands business survey of the Central Statistical Office (CBS), the Chamber of Commerce (KvK), the Economic Institute for Construction, SME Netherlands and VNO-NCW.

Entrepreneurs in the business services, in particular, say at the beginning of the third quarter that they suffer from this: there is a deficit even at 35%. The transport and storage industry also has a large deficit of 32%.

Entrepreneurs in information and communication, hospitality and building industry also report a large deficit. In mineral extraction, only 5% of companies are hampered by too few people.

However, 12% of entrepreneurs expect to be able to expand their own workforce in the third quarter. Last year, this expectation was still higher by 18%.

Business confidence decreased slightly
Business confidence has also fallen slightly, to 10.6 percent. In The second quarter, the score was still 1.4 percentage points higher. Moreover, the voting indicator still indicates a positive confidence of Dutch entrepreneurs, says CBS.

Entrepreneurs in the information and communication are the most positive. Here, confidence increased from 17.9 percent in the second quarter to 25 percent in the third. For this, the construction industry was eleven quarters contiguous the most positive, but their score has now fallen slightly to 20.6 percent.

In the car trade and repair, confidence for the third quarter In a row is negative. This time it comes out to-12.7, while the second quarter still-5.3 was achieved.

By: NU.nl