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Turnover of foreign companies in the Netherland has grown fast

Companies with a foreign mother have shown a faster growth in turnover and employability than Dutch companies. (CBS). Between 2010 and 2013 the joint turnover and employability of foreign companies has grown 17,2% and 6,4% respectively. This is more than the growth in turnover ((8,6%) and employability (0,5%)of all companies in the Netherlands in the same period.


Especially retailers saw a significant increase of 25% turnover and 40% in jobs. The growth of the retail sector was 0,3 en 0,9% respectively.


Furthermore foreign telecom companies, architects and engineering companies grew above average. Foreign legal and administrative service providers grew below average. In 2013 the 12.000 foreign companies created 36% of the Dutch turnover and 16% of the employability.

American mothers

In terms of turnover over a third of the companies have an American mother company. 14% have a German mother.


In aviation 96% of the total turnover comes from companies with a foreign mother.